Nimbus help

Nimbus Help

If you are new to Nimbus and want to request data, start with the steps below. If you have used Nimbus before chance is high that most of your profile is already known by Nimbus but you need to set a password.

If new:

Follow the registration process by pressing “Register” on the left on a request page, the process should be self-explanatory. Note that the information used in the fields while registering are used to validate your data requests. You can always edit your profile by clicking on your "user name" after log-in.

If used before:

Before, Nimbus only needed a valid e-mail address for communication with the requester. In this version you have to register with your e-mail and a password. You wil have a profile that you can edit by "clicking" your e-mail address after log-in. You must request a new password to set one; press the “log in” link and then click the "forgot password" link.

You will receive an e-mail with a link to set a new password. You must click on this to complete your previous "registration" and be able to make data requests.

Then visit the project data request page again to log-in and get the list of available files to download.